The term “crossing over’ has been coined by many psychic mediums in order to create an understanding by the general public of what it is that they do.
Make peace with a loved one who has passed. Get confirmation for unresolved issues. Exchange messages of Love. Help a passed loved one to move on to their next life.
Get a 30 minute psychic reading from me on Telegram, WhatsApp, Messenger or Zoom – you decide. I don’t interpret cards. Like any trusted psychic, I go into your private space – always and ever only when you invite me. Then I open the energetic parcel that your consciousness invites me to, and I describe to you what is inside. From there you are in a better position to make decisions based on your past and current experiences. I also do an assessment of your finances and physical body where relevant, and give you useful information so that you can do what is right for you.
Discover what those birth marks mean. Find out what karmic debts you have brought with you. What is it that you have been carrying with you for an eternity? What knowledge and relationships did you bring with you from a previous life? Discover why some relationships are troublesome no matter how hard you work on them.