Using Tarot for Successful Decisions
The course focuses on using tarot cards for problem solving. You won’t get any general information that still makes you wonder whether you got it right. You won’t need to guess what the meaning of the card is. Nobody will profit from you consulting the cards, other than that you’ll get peace of mind and clear guidance in any area of your life where you need to make decisions.
Price: $7.95 for the paperback, $4.95 for the e-book, $6.95 for the audio book and $144.00 for the video course.
How to end a relationship and feel good about yourself
Are you in a relationship that makes you unhappy? Have you just left a relationship? Or are you struggling to accept the end of your relationship due to death or divorce? Then this course is for you. This course will help you understand why the experience happened to you, and give you hope for the future. This is a quote from an Amazon review: “…another perspective on relationships than the classic “Women are from Venus, men are from Mars. “ Start your healing today and invest in this course.
Price: $6.53 for the paperback, $4.95 for the e-book, $6.95 for the audio book and $59.99 for the video course.