Are you aware of the power of words?
The Zohar (Beresheet B, section 52) describes the power of our words beautifully:
“A deeply hidden secret pertains to the spiritual powers of the mouth. As letters and words arouse the very forces that they describe, the mouth animates the spiritual forces that it speaks. Positive words generate positive angels, while negative speech produces negative angels. The good and bad events in our lives are merely the net effect of the angelic influences created through the power of speech.”
Isn’t that beautiful?
This paragraph describes a critical part of the creation process. Concepts become thoughts, and thoughts become words, which we then turn into things.
We often do not realise how incredibly important our words are. A single word, spoken in truth and with love, can uplift someone and influence their life path for the better. On the other hand, a single word can destroy the dreams of a person, especially when that word comes from a respected figure of authority.
I often explain to my clients that words are like pebbles that we throw into a pond. The words make concentric circles that impact not only on the speaker, but on every person who is at the receiving end of the vibration that comes from the words. That is why it is so important to be aware of the power of your words.
One of my favourite universal laws is relevant here: Say what you do, and then do what you say. This law is incredibly powerful. When you follow it, you create consistency and intent with every word you speak. The result is a reputation of reliability and respect for myself and my clients.
Words cannot be taken back. It is easy to forget this when you have an argument, and when you say things that cannot be made unsaid.
What have you recently said that you now wish you could take back?