As you know by now, I enjoy reading the scriptures of various religions, because I have realised that the truth is not captured in one single religion. Instead, beautiful universal truths are captured with different words in different scriptures and writings,
I read in the Srimad Bhagavatam (Canto 1, ch 10 text 5) about the ideal of “godly communism” or one religion for the world. Is that a good idea?
Hindus might say yes, because this is captured in the Srimad Bhagavatam (which by the way was first published in 1972, and therefore does not quite qualify in my book as scripture).
Muslims may argue that the Quran is older, and therefore Islam is the purer religion.
I am sure Christians will say that the Bible is even older, and therefore Christianity is the best religion.
On this short list (and you can probably add other religions) only one can be right. Which one is the right religion? This is a dilemma.
What is the alternative?
There is faith. Whereas a religious person will claim that their religion is the path to salvation, a person with faith would rather say that they do not know everything, and they will keep searching for answers. A person with faith will also tell you that they find the purest answers inside themselves – not because they are a special breed of humans, but because God resides in all of us, and God is the Source of Truth.
Someone said that they do not trust the new age spirituality stuff, and that they would rather follow the oldest religion, which in their view was Christianity. Is Christianity the oldest religion? I am not sure how you would describe paganism which obviously preceded any written religion.
But they miss another important point.
Spirituality is older than the first human soul who had a connection to Spirit. Spirituality is universal and not even earth-bound. Then how can spirituality be new age? This term is only in the minds of people who want to stand out and be different.
They do not realise that seeking for the Truth inside of you makes you different, and that doing that is at least as old as mankind.
Some people seek the Truth in this way naturally. I recently had a client who told me that as a child of eight years old, he refused to go to church, because nobody could convince him that going to church is mentioned anywhere in the Bible as an instruction. I am sure you also know many good and Godly people who are not religious.
Spirituality is not New Age. Spirituality is ageless and newly discovered by some people.