Your soul purpose

Your soul purpose

Rumi reminds us of this: “On Resurrection Day God will ask, ‘During this sojourn I gave you, what have you produced for me? Through what work have you reached your life’s end?”

I have always known deep in my soul that I will see my ninety-fourth birthday, and that this will be a record in a family that is not known for longevity.  This means I have by now completed about two thirds of my life.

Imagine my surprise – or rather astonishment – when I received a clear message that I will live to turn a hundred and eighty years.  This means that I have by now only completed one third of my life.  There are many decades ahead of me, in a world that is changing every single day.

What will I do with all these years ahead of me?

What action plan do I need?  On the one hand I feel my action plan will be dictated by the same Voice that told me about the number of birthdays that I have ahead of me.  On the other hand, I have the gift of creation, and I know how to use it. 

I suddenly feel like a young person who has graduated from university, only to discover that I am in fact now in the true kindergarten of life. 

I have no doubt that my body will be taken care of by means of a medbed when my turn comes.  I know that physically I need to explore more, and my time for focusing on tai chi cannot be delayed much longer.

I need to take care of my mind, and ensure that I know what I put into my mind, so that my mind will serve me for the rest of my (many) days.  I have already learnt a lot about emotions and how they control us if we allow them.  My emotions are my tools, and not the other way round.

My soul is a treasure that I am grateful for every day that I am alive, because my soul keeps my body going.  As for Spirit, my relationship with Spirit is closer every day and every night.  This relationship oscillates from cleansing to rejoicing. 

There is so much to do – and I am now assured that there is enough time.

It is up to me to make every day a contribution to the work of God.


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I am a healer, psychic and author. I like to read all sorts of scriptures and let my mind wander...

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