Who do you receive for?

Who do you receive for?

Wow!  Now this one is a revelation to me.

The Zohar (Beresheet B: 53) “… describes the metaphysical process by which the negative desire to receive for the self alone is transformed into the desire to receive for the sake of sharing.  This transformation opens the way to the final redemption, which will be achieved in the 7th millennium.”

Because I work at all sorts of holistic events, I encounter many people who pride themselves in their spiritual lifestyle which separates them from the mundane world.

I am always struck by the poverty consciousness of these people who should be able to manifest what they want when they want, but instead some of them want to outdo others in terms of how little they can live with.  They have no desire to receive for the sake of sharing, and despite their halos being firmly in place, they still have a long way towards realising that they are draining others who are expected to support their chosen lifestyle.

I am not rich, but I have always been able to take care of myself and be generous in sharing where I believed that sharing would be helpful.   Does it make me judgmental when I share only where sharing would be helpful?  I believe that is not the case.  There is the law of non-interference.  For me that means for example if my neighbour has broken windows in his home, but he owns three cars, I should not offer him money to fix the windows.  His priorities are what they are, and it is not for me to interfere and destroy his pride and independence.

On the other hand, I am generous in sharing my time and knowledge with someone who is making great strides towards his own physical and emotional recovery, and who is grateful for my help.

This desire to receive for the sake of sharing has taken on a whole new meaning for me lately.  I have always been drawn to healing.  I believed it started with myself – would you have comfort in receiving healing from someone who is not looking after their physical body?  I have had to process and overcome physical issues which I realised were reflections of emotional issues.  This was hard work, but I am grateful for and proud of what I have achieved.

I am now in a position where I receive my healing gift, and I am sharing this with people every day.  I still respect the law of non-interference, and I am grateful for the stream of people who approach me for healing.  It is amazing to see how their bodies and minds are healed, and to know that their healing is permanent, because it comes from the Great Healer to and through me, so that I can offer this gift to them.

I am not holier than thou, and I realise that there are times when I give conditionally, based on my own perceptions and judgments.  All I can say is that we are still far from the 7th millennium, and therefore I still have the opportunity to work on receiving for the sake of sharing without any conditions.


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I am a healer, psychic and author. I like to read all sorts of scriptures and let my mind wander...

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